
Randomly I was on Facebook and saw this ad for a credit card that pays you to refer others.

Definitely sounded interesting. People were already spamming that Dosh app for the $15 referral, I decided to take a look.

So what is Vital?

VITAL is the credit card that pays you to share. Get paid cash forever for each person you sign up. Plus earn 1% cash back on all transactions.

Who are they?vitalcreditcard

Sounds Good? But what are the details?

Do you have to apply for the card?

What FICO score do you need?

Is this a cash back card?

What are the benefits?

How does Vital work?

    • Joe signs up, picks his card color & immediately
      starts earning 1% cash back
      Joe discovers VITAL and decides to join the VITAL
      community. Upon signing up, Joe pick’s his VITAL Card
      from 4 beautiful aluminum card designs: Space Gray,
      Matte Black, Gold and Rose Gold. The second Joe gets
      his card he immediately starts earning 1% cash back on
      all of his transactions.
    • Joe begins to share VITAL & grow his VITAL Score
      Now that Joe joined VITAL, he also has an opportunity to
      start earning cash rewards. A direct sign-up on VITAL
      earns Joe 4 points towards his VITAL Score, but Joe also
      gets points for everyone his friends sign-up (2 points for
      second tier sign-ups) and even the people they sign-up as
      well (1 points for every third tier sign-up). VITAL
      measures and rewards Joe’s social network 3 tiers
      out. VITAL is all about sharing, the more you share VITAL
      with friends, the more your VITAL Score grows, the more
      cash rewards you earn each month, forever.
    • Joe shares with Samantha
      Joe decides to send a text message using his unique
      referral link to his best friend Samantha, encouraging
      her to join VITAL. Joe knows Samantha will love the rose
      gold card, 1% cash back on spending and cash rewards
      forever for each person she signs up to VITAL, because
      he knows Samantha loves the color Rose Gold and
      making money.
    • Samantha joins VITAL
      Samantha visits VITAL’s website and falls in love with
      the card design. She decides to sign up. Joe is excited
      because his VITAL Score grows by 4 points when
      Samantha joins VITAL.
    • Samantha shares VITAL and Joe is also rewarded
      Joe continues to share VITAL with his other friends, but
      now that Samantha is on VITAL she also starts sharing
      with her friends. The great thing for both of them is
      VITAL keeps track and rewards them for everyone they
      sign-up to the VITAL community. Not only does Joe get
      credit for his friends like Samantha (4 points for every
      direct sign-up), but he also gets points for everyone
      Samantha sign-ups (2 points for second tier sign-ups)
      and even the people they invite to (1 points for every
      third tier sign-up). Remember, VITAL measures and
      rewards Joe’s social network 3 tiers out.
    • Joe, Samantha, and every VITAL member use their
      cards to buy stuff, which generates rewards
      Every time Joe and other VITAL members use their cards,
      1% of the transaction comes back to them in the form of
      cash back and 1% of the transaction is deposited into the
      Cash Rewards Pool. This is how VITAL funds the cash
      rewards that are paid out to every VITAL member at the
      end of each month based on each members VITAL Score
  • Joe earns cash rewards from sharing VITAL
    It’s now the end of the month and Joe’s VITAL Score has
    grown even more because he’s been able to get 4
    friends, including Samantha to join VITAL. Since VITAL
    also credits Joe for everyone his friends signed up and
    everyone they signed up, Joe was able to grow his VITAL
    Score to 112 points. VITAL takes everyone’s score at the
    end of each month, adds them up and then pays out
    each member their piece of the total pie. This month Joe
    earned $210 in cash rewards. Moving forward as long as
    everyone in Joe’s network keeps using VITAL he’ll
    continue to make $210 per month. If Joe grows his
    VITAL Score, his cash rewards will increase
    • Joe gets paid rewards and decides to donate
      At the end of each month Joe’s cash rewards and cash

back on his spending are paid out. This month he earned
$210 in cash rewards and because he loves animals, he
decides to donate $100 to the Humane Society directly
through VITAL.

(March 17, 2018). How Vital Works [Website]. Retrieved from https://www.vitalcard.com/assets/how-vital-works.pdf

When I started sharing the card, most people were skeptical. Sharing an app that pays you verses, applying for a credit card you may or may not get approved for. Plus the hard hit on your credit.

But I do feel like its a good idea. You can’t apply for the card until late 2018, but you can start getting points and earning cash now. If you’re interested and want more information my link is below.  (Yes, I do get points)


L Rose

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