This year, I set a goal to read one book a week to expand my mindset, improve my habits, and gain new insights. Below are the books I read in February, along with my key takeaways from each.

How to Make Money Helping Others
Take Control of Your Finances and Your Future Have you ever wished for an opportunity to earn extra income and take control of your life? …

$25,000 Funded Forex Account
What is a Prop Firm? According to Wikipedia, a prop firm (also known as “prop trading”) occurs when a trader trades stocks, bonds, currencies, commodities, their derivatives, or other financial instruments with …

The Best Hands Free Auto Trader for Forex

How to Trade Indicies With $100 or less
In this video, I show you how to trade indices with $100 or less. But, if you have at least $200 you can get a …

The Best Forex Indicator?

She Made $4,700 Trading Binary Options

Get $15,000 to Trade Forex Fast

How People are Making So Much Money Trading US30